Protein Structure & Molecular Modeling lab
Institute of Biosciences & Applications
NCSR "Demokritos", 15310 Ag. Paraskevi-Athens, Greece
GROMITA v3.01 is an update of the GROMITA-GUI, compatible with GROMACS v.4.5.x. It is written in perl making extensive use of perl/tk achieving portability in a wide variety of operating systems and architectures. GROMITA provides friendly to use buttons in a windows-based environment while maintaining a terminal mode for the experienced user
1. Prerequisites
2. Installation
3. Description
4. Shortcuts
5. Getting started
6. GROMACS to GROMITA migration guide
7. FAQ
8. Troubleshooting
9. Acknowledgments
1. Prerequisites
1.a Hardware
Any computer capable of running GROMACS can run GROMITA. A large screen (17') is preferable with high resolution, but not necessary
1.b. Software
GROMITA is compatible with any *NIX type OS. It only needs an installation of Perl (usually installed in most unix distributions) and perl/Tk a module available from CPAN. In order to perform molecular dynamics GROMACS and the programs it depends on must be installed.
2. Installation
GROMITA can be easily installed with the installation perl script, which checks if all prerequisites are available and installs gromita.
- Install GROMACS and the programs it depends on
- Install Perl (in most Linux distributions it should be already installed)
- Install Perl/Tk using the CPAN module
- Make sure that the CPAN module is installed
$>perl -e 'use CPAN;'
Switch user to root in order to make available perl/tk for all users and invoke a CPAN shell
#>perl -MCPAN -e shell
install Perl/Tk:
$>cpan>install Perl/Tk
- Extract the compresed file (e.g in your desktop)
- Open a terminal and cd to newly created directory
- In order to have GROMITA available for all users and have the mspc option working you must install GROMITA as root
- run the setup script: The setup script will check for the installed perl version, its modules, gromacs path e.t.c. Follow the instructions. Note that GROMITA may complain about some version numbers, because it asks for the versions under which it was developed. It will probably work well with much lower versions, just it has not been tested with them.
- When checking for installed programs is finished the installation script will ask for verification before proceeding. Note that the following steps must be done as root (superman) for GROMITA to be available to all users:
- GROMITA is ready! Just type gromita and it will load
$>su Password: #>perl |
$>perl checking perl version...ok checking for required perl modules: File::HomeDir: ok File::Spec: ok Time::HiRes: ok Carp: ok Tk: ok searching for GROMACS...ok counting processors...1 searching for GROMACS dependences...FFTW: ok SETUP SUMMARY ----------- Nothing missing Proceed with gromita installation? [y/n] |
Proceed with gromita installation? [y/n] y Starting installation Installation completed! |
3. Description
GROMITA's main window is seen in the following screenshot. Its main parts is a Menubar, the Main Buttons on the left side of the screen, the Output Window on top, the Command Line Window bellow and the Indicators Bar.
A. Menubar
The File menu contains the basic options for file handling, logging, printing and ending the program.
File Open
File Save
File Save as
a) A title displaying the current date and time
b) The contents of the Command Line Window
c) The contents of the Output Window on top
File Close

File Print
a) A title displaying the current date and time
b) The contents of the Command Line Window
c) The contents of the Output Window on top
File Quit
- View Clear screen
- View Clear screenOutput
- View Clear screen Command Line
- View molecule

- Options
- filenames: GROMITA uses the default GROMACS filenames (pdb2gmx, genbox etc), but also enables the use of custom names.
- force field paths: The paths were forcefield files are stored. By default the current path and the path where GROMACS is installed
- path: If defined this path will be prepended to GROMACS programs. This option can be used if GROMACS is not in the system's path
- terminal: the terminal to be used for andvanced interactive commands. By default it is xterm. For KDE can be changed to Konsole. Any other string besides 'xterm', 'konsole' and 'gnome-terminal' will be used without any further arguments, so a custom program or a different configuration for xterm or konsole can be used. xterm is called with the -hold option, while konsole with -noclose
- preferred molecular viewer: The name of the preferred molecular viewer for inspecting .pdb files. This entry is used 'as is' in the command line, which means that any argument can be passed to the viewer, or even a path can be prepended
- logfile: The name of GROMITA's log file.
Terminal mode
Computer load
- Convert
Opens this help file in a web browser.
B. Main buttons
Each button presents a basic step of a standard molecular dynamics simulation. By pressing each button a new window appears containing a variety of options. The options are grouped as basic and advanced. In the last row of each window they are three standard buttons OK, Basic/Advanced and Cancel.
By pressing the OK button the corresponding GROMACS program is invoked with the options activated by the user options. By default the minimum necessary options are activated. Any other option is activated only when the user focus, press or change its value.
By pressing the cancel button the window closes without any further action.
By pressing the Basic/Advanced button the window toggles between the basic and advanced mode hiding or showing the advanced options, respectively.
Only one window of each main button can be open at any time.
Generate topology
Generate topology opens a window enabling the user to add hydrogens create coordinate and topology files from the pdb file loaded. It corresponds to pdb2gmx.
The basic options include a force field selector, and the filenames of the GROMACS coordinates and topology file. A checkbutton GROMACS help is also available that shows GROMACS help for the specific program in the output window.
Enlarge box
In this step a box of water with custom shape and size is defined or modified in which. Corresponds to editconf.
Solvate protein
Solvates a molecule in a box of water. Corresponds to genbox.
Prepare Genion
Corresponds to grompp.
Corresponds to genion.
Prepare EM
Corresponds to grompp, GROMACS preprocessor. In this step the binary files are prepared for Energy minimization.
Energy Minimization
The actual energy minimization step. Corresponds to mdrun.
Prepare MD
Corresponds to grompp, GROMACS preprocessor. In this step the binary files are prepared for Molecular Dynamics.
Molecular Dynamics
In this step the molecular dynamics are run. Corresponds to mdrun.
C. Output window
Between the output window and the command line window there is a divider that can be moved (by clicking and dragging the mouse button 1) changing the two windows' relative size.
output | This is a read-only terminal-like window that shows Gromita's actions GROMACS output and some other information. Gromita's actions shown are loading or closing files and GROMACS invocations. A color code highlights GROMACS output warnings and errors which are also summed in a pop-up window. |
moving around |
The output-window has two scrollbars for scanning the text. For fast scanning the text the middle mouse button can be used. The text is "grabbed" and moved around. Keyboard arrow keys, page up and down have their well known function and can also be used for moving around. |
selecting | By pressing mouse button-1 and moving the mouse across the output window the text is selected and can be copied to any other application. Pressing shift and moving around with the arrow keys or page up and down can also be used. |
refreshing | By default the window will not erase any text, so a great amount of output could fill the memory and slow down the system. Practically this never happens so there is no worry of loosing output information nor downgrading performance. In case there is a need of erasing previous messages View Clear screenOutput should be used. |
advanced features | There are some advanced features of the output window, rarely used, but nevertheless could prove very useful in some tasks. Right clicking when the mouse pinter is in the output window pops up a small menu which enables some basic operations. File Exit: For fast quiting Gromita Edit Copy: Copy selection Edit Select All Edit Unselect All Search Find: Opens a dialog with options to find text in either forward or backward directions, using exact search or regular expressions and case sensitive or not. It can find only one or all occurrences
Search Find NextSearch Find Previous View Goto Line...: Move to specified line of the text window View Which line: Display line and column of cursor View Wrap: Wrap text by word, character or remove word wrapping. |
D. Command Line Window
This window displays the GROMITA's actions as GROMACS commands in a terminal. Moving around, selecting text, refreshing the contents and its advanced features are as in Output Window.
E. Indicators Bar
Shows various status information. From right to left:
log on/of | an indicator of whether a log file of the current actions is kept. Toggles from the menu File Start/Stop log or with the Control+l shortcut. |
cpu % | The percentage of cpu usage, refreshing every second. Useful for monitoring long lasting molecular dynamics. |
Interrupt button | A button for interrupting the currently running GROMACS program. If GROMACS hangs up or the user wishes to stop a process, by pressing the Interrupt button, a kill signal is sent to to the process. The button is active only when a process is running. |
Progress indicators | These indicators are shown only when the verbose option is selected from the Energy Minimization and Molecular DynamicsMain Buttons. There are three progress indicators, a progress bar showing the current step as a fraction of the total steps, a label showing an estimation of time left for the process to finish, and the percentage of it done. Estimations and step count is done by GROMACS. |
4. Shortcuts
Menubar shortcuts are shown next to each command
Ctrl + o |
File Open |
Ctrl + s |
File Save |
Ctrl + a |
File Save as |
Ctrl + w |
File Close |
Ctrl + l |
File Start/Stop log |
Ctrl + p |
File Print |
Ctrl + q |
File Quit |
F1 | Help |
The shortcuts for output and command line windows are common for both. The following section describes shortcuts and bindings available for these windows as described in Tk::Text documentation:
In the descriptions below, word refers to a contiguous group of letters, digits, or characters, or any single character other than these.
5. Getting started
Create a directory in your home or Desktop for working with GROMITA, eg:
$> mkdir /home/user/work |
change directory to work
$> cd work |
invoke GROMITA
$>gromita |
GROMITAis now loaded.
Go to Options Preferences and type your favourite molecular viewer (e.g. rasmol, pymol) and terminal (e.g. xterm, konsole) for GROMITA to use
Go to File Open and load a pdb molecule
Use the main buttons to perform your first simulation
6. GROMACS to GROMITA migration guide
GROMACS program | Gromita's Main Buttons |
pdb2gmx | Generate topology |
editconf | Enlarge box |
genbox | Solvate protein |
grompp | Prepare EM Prepare MD |
genion | Prepare Genion Genion |
mdrun | Energy Minimization Molecular Dynamics |
trjconv | View Trajectory |
ngmx | Convert Trajectory |
7. FAQ
- How can I change the size of the Output window/Command line window?
- With the mouse click and drag the line dividing the output window from the command window
- How can I clear the contents of Output window/Command line window?
- Use the menu options View Clear screen
- What is the equivalent of a GROMACS command?
- Check the links in the 'GROMACS to GROMITA migration guide' section
- How do I become root (switch user)?
- use the command
su (swich user), and type the root pasword $>su
#>$>sudo commandname
- How GROMITA deals with older versions of GROMACS?
- GROMITA was originaly designed around GROMACS v.3.3.1, but it has been refined for the latest, currently, GROMACS v.4.0.4. There are minor differences in the interface of the various gromacs versions, so gromita will probably work with older versions also, although some options might require the use of the advanced mode (terminal mode)
8. Troubleshooting
1. Gromacs program seems to run while CPU load is very low (program halted)
Use the interrupt button to stop execution. Select File Option advanced mode and try again.
9. Acknowledgments
GROMITA development was isupported by a grant from NCSR "Demokritos" (Demoerevna)
The Indicators bar on and off icons are from the "Clip Art Warehouse" (Graham Coupe
This help file was made with and OpenOffice 2.4 and is adorned with some silk icons
Development Team:
Diamantis Sellis, MSc & Metaxia Vlassi , PhD
Protein Structure & Molecular Modeling lab
Institute of Biosciences & Applications
NCSR "Demokritos", 15310 Ag. Paraskevi-Athens, Greece